Saturday, July 28, 2012

The Bier Cellar

So, I discovered a great new beer store in Portland, The Bier Cellar. It opened up a month ago or so and is run by an uber beer nerd. We talked beer for awhile and then I wandered away sorting through his big selection. They do a four and six pack mix and match idea as well as conventional four and six packs. I love this idea because I can experiment with finding stuff that I like and re-visiting beers that I like one at a time. Hey, they also carry cold PBR! Nice place!

Walter's "Raid Smasher"

Carrots And Turnips!

Byron The Photographer

And a very serious one at that, at our union picnic last weekend.

Our First Fair

Last weekend the town of Buxton had its Field Days, basically a small fair with a few rides and food concessions, greased pig catching, cotton candy and the local fire department's bean supper sort of thing. It was our first fair and the boys had a great time.

Me, slightly out of focus...

The boys then won themselves each a stuffed dolphin in the throw a Nerf football through a hole game. Standing on stools they were still a little short so the carnie let them stand on the counter and throw football after football until they won! Thank God for a nice woman in the booth.

First cotton candy tastes (as well as fried dough... not pictured). I think that they liked it.

Byron Being Byron

Look, Ma, No Tooth!

Walter's top tooth had been loose for a couple of weeks, but no amount of wiggling was going to make it any looser. We were considering the string tied to the door knob method when in the midst of a brotherly struggle/ rough house on the floor, Byron's head made contact with the tooth and Walter said, Mom, Dad, my tooth came out!


Byron helped make pierogies. He makes such a good sous-chef!