So, Walter's birthday party was last month on the 2nd a couple of days short of his actually birthday on the 4th, but it allowed everyone from far and wide to show up.
On the guest list was the "Gruncle" Jim and Aunt Kathy his Grandma and Grammie and Elie and several others in spirit.

Walter, as usual was more interested in the noise the paper made as it was ripped.

One of Walter's favorite gifts was from his Gruncle- a small push wagon. He has one at his school and has wanted to test drive one at home for months now. Of course, his favorite activity was running it into doors and the wall.


Right between the uprights!

And away we go!
Thanks again, Gruncle! We think that its helped him pick up the walking thing.

Celebration continued with cake of course.

Though Walter needed a hand blowing out the candle, he still enjoyed the cake.

For all of you who couldn't make it, Walter wants to share some of his cake.