Tuesday, June 22, 2010

More Father's Day Pics

Summer Squirtguns and Haircuts

Monkey See...

Monkey Do...

That ain't orange soda.

Post haircut for the calm one...

I'll show you to give me a cool summertime haircut on an extremely hot day.

The aftermath.

Oh so happy...

Father's Day shirts and a moment of partial calm.

Byron's Birthday

We had Byron's birthday party on Sunday, a few days after his actual June 9th birthday. Gruncle and Kathy came to visit with presents in arms.

Byron was naturally, curious.

What's in here?

Why two of Byron's and Walter's favorite toys, of course!

Walter showing Gruncle how to play his new Wall-E game. Thanks again, Gruncle!

And then it was time for cake!

Thursday, June 03, 2010

Part Ten, The Farm

While we were back in Gloversville, Walter had to see the farm and stable where Aunt Madeline keeps her horse. Walter was very excited about getting to see a real live horse.

But I was most excited about getting to see GOATS!

And of course, Moselle and Jesse James tagged along.

I think that Jesse was curious to see if the horse treat wasn't just a doggie treat.

Horse's noses are pretty tickly.

And there were goats!

Afterwards we took a walk on a back trail to a pond.

Byron was interested in just picking at the reeds alongside the pond and watching tadpoles.


And before we knew it we were back on the road. Thank you everyone for their hospitality and we miss all of you!

The famous VW Beetle on top of Dudka's.