Friday, June 27, 2008

Some old and not so old photos

I've been shooting film again as well as processing some old stuff that I've had sitting around for some time, including a roll that was in an old N2000 that I haven't shot with in forever. These next three and the last ones that I finished the roll with just a couple weeks ago were from the N2000.

M and our first baby, Poe. 2004?

M and her mom, Xmas 2004, I think.

Lola, back in the days after I first got her, before the lift, just lounging in the snow in the Rosendale backyard.

Ice cream on Memorial Day weekend on the back porch.

And another one of the new babies to join the family, just seemingly longing to get that F-head rebuilt and in between the frame rails.

And finally, some not so old photos of Byron from just a couple of weeks ago. (Here you go, Nicole!:) ) These were taken with the very last roll of one of my favorite films, Ektapress 400, which isn't made any longer. The colors were warm and muted and perfect for portraiture, but oh well, who uses film anymore?

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