Sunday, December 28, 2008

Xmas 2008

Walter, like many good boys wanted to ensure that Santa was well fed when he came to visit. He left Santa 5 frosted gingerbread cookies and a big glass of eggnog.

This is what we found the next morning. Apparently, Santa also helped himself to one of my beers. That was ok. I know how to share.

Byron enjoyed himself too, but of course, the unwrapped gift was just as exciting before it came out of the box.

Here's Walter at one of his more restrained moments.

Byron also helped to ensure that the presents or at least the wrapping paper was up to snuff.

I can't wait!

Walter gave Byron a helping hand.

A good time was had by all. Thanks for the tractor trailer Grandma and for the fire engine, Grammie. Walter was putting out fires all day long and hauling freight.

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