Monday, May 31, 2010

Part Nine, Fort Plain

The next day we went to Fort Plain to visit the cemetery where my grandmother and great grandparents and alot of other family are buried. As I am working on my family tree, we spent alot of time there taking photos and writing down inscriptions. It rained, downpoured actually on our way there and by the time we arrived, it had stopped and started to become nice. Sadly though, I had wanted to take the boys to the Fort Plain Bakery that my grandmother took me to when I was a kid... it was closed with a sign in the window that read (sic) "The Ft. Plain Bakery stood at this location for better than 50 years. It served countless cookies to children. Countless birthday cakes went out of this door. Now it is closed. What will inhabit this location next?" I remember fondly the sugar cookies with spirals of raspberry in them, cinnamon buns and sticky rolls... I had wanted to pass this onto our kids, but now cannot... :(

My grandma.

What is it about the boys and cemeteries? They LOVE running through them.

John Lasher, my great, great, great grandfather. Bizarre to think of my great grandfather's grandfather. Civil War veteran, 115th NY Volunteers, wounded and sent to Andersonville Prison Camp where he had to dig the bullet out of his leg to prevent gangrene. He made the bullet into a watch fob with a band of gold around it with his name and info inscribed on it and passed it onto Clifford Pickard, my great-grandfather. Now, it is a family heirloom that I have.

My great grandparents, Clifford and Helen.

More fields outside of Stone Arabia, stone and brick 18th century houses and nearby more distant family, the Klocks, early Dutch settlers are interred.

Something that I buy almost every time that I get back to NY, a Win For Life scratch off. I won- twice! $10, the ice cream was on me!

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