Monday, August 29, 2011

Hurricane Irene Defenders

Hurricane Irene didn't even dare do anything yesterday with the two Pirate/ Knight/ Batman/ Captain America defenders on the watch!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Pickled Veggie Porn!

My first experiment with pickled green tomatoes! WOW! Like pickles, but with a softer, but firm texture. Flavored with dill, garlic and a bay leaf.
Oh yeah, the watermelon in the background... destined to yield pickled rind next week!

First green German Johnson heirloom tomato. It became another jar of pickled green tomato. Beautiful tomato!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

64 and 38!

A Visit With Rich!

A couple of Sundays ago we had lunch with our friend, Rich. The boys had a blat as usual and Rich was more than accommodating to their wild shouts of hang me upside down!

Even More Veggie Porn!

First Crookneck squash which...

...went into a zucchini/squash tomato/sausage sauce that I was rather proud of! We had it over bowtie pasta, but I ate the last of it plain!

First corn and another zucchini from last week.

The cucumbers that became pickles.

The Siamese twin cherry tomato!

Sunday, August 14, 2011


One of Walter's many Lego Hero Factory heroes. I was impressed by the perfect Renaissance contraposto pose. This all Walter's doing and not mine, honest! Perfect evidence that some of this stuff is inherently ingrained within us and not contrived.

63 and 37 months!