Friday, August 05, 2011

Beer Brewing (Again...)

It's been what about 4 or 5 years since I've brewed my own beer and I missed it. I said for a long time that I wanted to brew again but it was one of those things that I never made the time for. Well M and the boys helped me along by giving me another homebrew kit for Father's Day and this past July I started brewing two batches. One was an IPA and the other, a porter matured with maple syrup. I love all of the specialized language in brewing, 'tossing' the hops, the wort, the mash, etc... They turned out pretty well for my 3rd and 4th attempts but next time I'll take better care to strain the trub, the sediment of misc. leftover brewing grains and hop residue before bottling it. It turned out fine, esp. the porter, but I have to be careful pouring the IPA

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