Sunday, January 14, 2007

With all of the hectic scheduling that vacations entail, Walter's 9 month photo was slightly delayed by 10 days. But, he got a chance to pose with not only his bear, but his Uncle Peter's and Aunt Peg's xmas gift of Walnut II.

Vacation 2006-7

The last day of the year, we three set out on our vacation. First, we visited old Gloversville and his Grammie's.

Walter had to be restrained behind the couch cushions at times.

After a couple of days, we traveled to see Syracuse again and his Grandma's.

Walter had a few heart to heart talks with his Grandma about priorities in life.

On our way home, Walter remembered the talk with his Grandma and insisted that we visit the last remaining Krispy Creme shop in New York State. Walter enjoyed the hat.

I enjoy this picture immensely; I'm not sure why. Walter is staring around the Johnstown Price Chopper parking lot very seriously contemplating why his dad worked here through college for so long.

We visited my dad's old '35 Ford pickup in the shop where my mom is having it restored/customized into a hot rod. It was a project of my dad's that never got out of the garage for 30+ years. Of course, the youngest Walter had to have his picture with his Gramp's truck.

Walter also got to see his aunts Madeline and Amanda and cousins Abby and little Lennie.

On our way back home after a nice long week. We went back over the mountains on our way home to Maine. Up to Troy, through Bennington, VT, over Hogsback Mountain and into New Hampshire, we trekked back to Vacationland after vacation.