Sunday, November 30, 2008

Thanksgiving 2008

There always has to be a before...

and after picture of the turkey.

The perfect pumpkin pie.

Even the cats were pooped after Thanksgiving from their can of Turkey & Giblets.

Byron thoroughly enjoyed his first taste of meat, though it was more like a turkey and rice cereal paste.

More please!

C'mon, please?

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Happy Birthday Byron

Happy Birthday, Byron, my brother. Yes, I know, a day late, but can't you expect this from me by now? But once again, lets lift a glass (or hell, we always preferred it straight from the can...) to you once again in your memory until that day as the song goes, when we meet again.


Monday, November 10, 2008

Barley Cereal

Barley Cereal, a favorite here at the house. What could go wrong with barley cereal?

The Trouble with Peas

There is always some trouble that we find ourselves in eventually. Imagine, you're just sitting there minding your own business in your highchair and looking forward to some yummy barley cereal. Its all that you really want, but then something else comes in a cup. Its green and slimy looking and oh my! your mom spoons some of it up and points it at you. It isn't a joke! She's actually expecting you to put this in your mouth! To make matters worse, dad is photographing the whole event and brother is running around and watching and laughing and it tastes horrible! At least you know that it couldn't get any worse. Like having it published for the whole world to see.

Aarrrrrrrrrrrgggghhhhhhhhhhhhh! What IS this!?!

Maybe if I just spit it out they won't notice.

5 months!

Byron is growing like the proverbial weed. He's dwarfing the bear, who just a few months ago made him look tiny. And he's getting the knack of sitting up on his own. Next step is to crawl.

31 months

Walter, ever the ham and the patient and very willing subject was 31 months old. Well on his way to three! (For which he's very impatient, because then he can play in the McDonald's play area...)

Walter also had to try on my old hat for his unique rendition of his newest hero, Indiana Jones.

The flying saucer!

The Exersaucer is paying off in huge dividends. Byron loves the experience of being able to stand up (sort of...) and being able to throw himself around (sort of...) and
just plain being more a part of the family group in the living room. Walter, remembering his old days in the saucer, wanted to introduce Byron to it. Thanks again, Aunt Kathy!

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Hallowe'en 2008

For Halloween this year, Walter had alot of ideas of what to be, but it finally boiled down to being a bus driver. And who do we know that's a bus driver. So, Walter decided to be me. The first step was growing a beard. Not exactly a small step for a two and a half year old.

The first growth while the gulag bound prisoner is awaiting morning inspection. Walter doing his best David Niven impression.

And he's happy with the outcome!

We went out for lunch that day. Can you tell who is who? The resemblance is amazing!

Finally, Byron decided to wear walter's old costume from October '06. Can you tell which one is Byron and which is Walter?